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Pregnancy care

Pregnancy care consists of prenatal (before birth) and postpartum (after birth) healthcare for expectant mothers. It involves treatments and trainings to ensure a healthy prepregnancy, pregnancy, and labor and delivery for mom and baby.

Antenatal or prenatal health checkups includes number of visits to your doctor. It involves series of diagnostics checkups including sonography and blood tests. This checkup also involves physical examination by your doctor to assess health of the baby & mother.

IVF procedures
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Best Pregnancy Care Centre in Pune | Top Maternity Hospital

A high-risk pregnancy is one that threatens the health or life of the mother or her fetus. It often requires specialized care from specially trained providers. Risk factors for a high-risk pregnancy can include:

  • Existing health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or being HIV-positive1
  • Overweight and obesity. Obesity increases the risk for high blood pressure, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, stillbirth, neural tube defects, and cesarean delivery. NICHD researchers have found that obesity can raise infants’ risk of heart problems at birth by 15%.
  • Multiple births. The risk of complications is higher in women carrying more than one fetus (twins and higher-order multiples). Common complications include preeclampsia, premature labor, and preterm birth. More than one-half of all twins and as many as 93% of triplets are born at less than 37 weeks’ gestation.
  • Young or old maternal age. Pregnancy in teens and women age 35 or older increases the risk for preeclampsia and gestational high blood pressure.

The birth of a child is the delivery or labor. This is the last phase of pregnancy where the baby or babies come out from the uterus. It passes through the vagina or with the help of Caesarean section.

We have best-in-class labor rooms with emergency care facilities for any critical situation during delivery. Delivery can be done through normal or vaginal delivery, C section or cesarean delivery, assisted vaginal delivery, painless delivery, twins/triplets delivery etc.


At City Fertility Centre we have a team of expert pediatricians and neonatal experts who are equipped to tackle any complicated cases if may arise after the birth of the child. Soon after delivery of the baby our pediatric department’s doctor will thoroughly assess the newborn and will provide complete assistance to new parents to help them take care of the baby in a right way.

We have best-in-class labor rooms with emergency care facilities for any critical situation during delivery. Delivery can be done through normal or vaginal delivery, C section or cesarean delivery, assisted vaginal delivery, painless delivery, twins/triplets delivery etc.


The 6 weeks after pregnancy and delivery of a baby is called the postpartum period, when the mother’s body returns to its prepregnancy state. During this period, extra care is required whether you have undergone vaginal delivery or cesarean section delivery. Following complications may arise post delivery which requires medical treatment:

  • Excessive bleeding (postpartum hemorrhage)
  • Infections of the uterus
  • Bladder and kidney infections
  • Breast infection
  • Problems with breastfeeding
  • Depression

Every parent desire healthy child. With the demand of the today’s world and competition, healthy is just not enough, every parents strive hard to create super baby or high IQ baby. And the beginning of this process starts during the course of the pregnancy.

How it can be achieved:

  • Achieving good birth weight: avoid maternal anemia & PIH
  • Avoid premature birth: Avoid maternal anemia, PIH & infections.
  • Prevent growth restriction: Avoid maternal anemia & PIH
  • Prevention of childhood anemia: Avoid maternal anemia
  • Insuring adequately prolonged breast feeding: Avoid maternal
  • anemia & counselling
  • Avoid childhood infections: avoid anemia
  • Correct mother & baby’s vit B12 levels
  • Correct mother & baby’s vit D3 levels
  • Detection of Congenital Hypothyroidism at birth by cord blood
  • TSH estimation.

At City Fertility Centre our prenatal & post-natal care plan specifically designed to help you achieve healthy and high IQ baby. Dr. Gopalkrishna Gawde has created a scientific presentation about achieving High IQ baby. To know details click below.

At City Fertility Centre, Under the leadership of Dr. Gopalkrishna Gawade, our experienced team of nurses, dieticians, pediatrician will provide holistic care of mother and the baby. Call us or book appointment with Dr. Gopalkrishna Gawade for any pregnancy or delivery related query.

Our Services

We provide comprehensive care for women of all ages. Right form the reproductive issues to post-menopausal gynecologic problems, every treatment related to female reproductive organs are provided here.

Contact Detail


Survey No 28, Patil Hospital, Sinhagad Road, Anand Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411051


+91 86699 93336

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What People Say
About Us

Pallavi M

We got this reference through one of my friend, with full faith we visited the clinic for consultation. We had already taken consultation and treatment from many renowned gynecologist in Pune. Dr. Gopalkrishna Gawade Sir made us feel confident and comfortable in the first visit itself. He explained us the procedure and line of treatment.

Pooja Singh

I am very excited to writing this review. I was suffering from infertility from last 4 years .in this period I consulted so many Doctors but didn't get any result I was very disturbed .after search I met Dr. Gawde he made me relax and suggested some life changes modifications like yoga , suryanamaskar and prescribe some medicine. And after 6 month I got my test +very. Thanks to Dr. Gawade and Dr.Deepali.

Chaitrali Kulkarni

My experience of Hysterectomy by Dr Gawade was wonderful along with post operative care and his communication skills are also good. I am happy and satisfied with pre operative consultation and Surgical technique.


It is the procedure of choice for those with fallopian tube issues, as well as for such conditions as endometriosis, male factor infertility and unexplained infertility.

Success rates strongly depend on the age of the patient, their condition, medical history and the treatment used. Indira IVF has a record success rate which ranges between 70- 74%. With accurate diagnostics and holistic approach to relieve stress can increase the chances beyond 80%.

No. The procedure is not painful as it is done under light sedation, but may cause mild discomfort. At our clinic, we use mild anesthesia administered through an IV route which relieves discomfort.

There is no evidence that travel impacts IVF pregnancy rates.

Women have a 10 to 20 percent chance of getting pregnant with each IUI cycle. The more cycles you go through, the better your chances become.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a technique used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) where a single sperm is injected directly into the egg for the purpose of fertilization.

Ideal candidates for ICSI include men with severe infertility issues, including a low sperm count. Other candidates include men who have sperm motility issues, problems with sperm development, or a blockage that prevents sperm from being ejaculated.

Yes, alcohol can lead to infertility in both men & women.

Laparoscopy still has an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. A significant number of infertile women, such as those with a tubal factor, PCOS, and women with unexplained infertility can benefit from it.

Most women go home 2-3 days after this surgery, but complete recovery takes from six to eight weeks.

Book Appointment with
Dr. Gopalkrishna Gawade

IVF specialist & Laparoscopic gynecologist

“More than half of all infertility cases are caused by stress. Here’s how to find peace in your life. Smile. Relax. Fall in love with yourself again, because you deserve it. Let us help you through this beautiful journey to attain parenthood.